Faculty Governance Committees
This Committee recommends planning and assessment procedures to the faculty.
This Committee recommends planning and assessment procedures to the faculty.
This Committee recommends planning and assessment procedures to the faculty particularly with respect to SACSCOC accreditation and works with the Provost and the Deans and Department Chairs to implement such procedures.
The Academic Policies and Standards Committee (ACPOL) acts on behalf of the faculty to hear appeals from students who wish to waive/amend graduation/degree requirements, academic probation/standards, or other policies delineated in the Catawba Catalog.
The Curriculum Committee is charged with reviewing, recommending, and implementing curriculum policy requirements.
This committee includes, but are not limited to, the review of marginal candidates for admission and making strategy recommendations to the Office of Admissions.
The Faculty Tenure & Promotion Committee (FTPC) oversees the process for promotion recommendations and evaluation of faculty for tenure.
The General Education Assessment and Review Committee (GEAR) assesses the effectiveness of the General Education Program.
This committee oversees governance for the organization and reviews institutional standards.
The Graduate Council is responsible for approving and forwarding all revisions to existing graduate programs and new graduate courses and programs to the full faculty for final approval. The committee also maintains the Graduate Catalog, with all changes approved by the full faculty.
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requires that the College enhance its technological and library support services to improve instruction, develop basic competencies, and keep the information systems stable and current.
This committee focuses on how the College operates, including its internal environment and infrastructure.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews requests for research involving human participants.
The Staff Council committee examines issues and policies regarding personnel, including staff benefits, welfare, and professional development programs. This committee is responsible for making recommendations regarding:
Service & Social Committee – This committee shall be composed of at least 3 different representative and serves the Staff Council by planning and executing service opportunities for our community to engage in. This committee is also responsible for the planning and execution of opportunities for staff members to socialize and fellowship with one another.
Professional Development & Vocation – This committee shall be composed of at least 3 different representatives. This committee focuses on planning and executing professional development opportunities that engage and enrich staff members.
Policies & Procedures Committee – This committee shall be composed of at least 5 members of Staff Council. This committee is tasked with reviewing and providing input and recommendations regarding changes to the policies that are set for by the HR Director. This committee will also oversee the awards process for the Louise Tucker Award and the President Award for Staff Excellence as well as the nomination of new Staff Council members.
Executive Committee -The Executive Committee will be composed of the Staff Council Chair, Secretary, Past Chair, and Chair-Elect.
*Recommendations for action by the Standing Committees will be referred to the full Staff Council for review and action. Subcommittees may report to either the standing committee under which they were formed (if applicable), or to the full Staff Council. Staff Council retains the authority to create and disband additional committees and subcommittees as needed in order to efficiently perform its tasks and functions.
The Equity, Diversity, Justice, and Inclusion (EDJI) Task Force at 麻豆app入口aims to build a campus community where all members thrive by working to cultivate critical conversations and practices that close opportunity gaps and promote equity, diversity, justice, and inclusion on our campus and in the larger community.
The LGBTQ Alliance provides support, advocacy and outreach to the 麻豆app入口community. It also helps create the opportunity for everyone on campus to engage to their fullest potential.
A center for sustainability, a powerhouse of the arts, and a leader in the sciences, business, and more. With 70+ academic programs — there’s nowhere Catawba can’t take you.